Friday, May 1, 2009

I've waited too long....

There are so many things I need to rant about , it's hard to find a starting place. Jon Stewart thinks a nuke in the ocean would have scared Japan into surrendering . That flippin' retard apparently doesn't know we had to drop a second bomb , three days later , because killing 100,000 people didn't convince them. How was "surf's up" going to do it. Thank the NEA for that idiot's education (or lack of).

The liberals and faggots are coming out of the woodwork to attack a girl who answered a question truthfully-faggots shouldn't be allowed to pretend they're normal. They aren't.

The monkey in the White House doesn't think we should close the border to keep disease-ridden beasts from Mexico from spreading H1N1.

Same monkey is going to finance Chrysler's bankruptcy , with YOUR money . Now Chrysler can stiff the banks that monkey-boy just bailed out with YOUR money. It's beyond stupid , it's insanity. The UAW gets to own part of a company it helped destroy.

Before this political crapstorm is over , there will be violence. The liberals should remember the conservatives are better armed than they.

When the revolution comes.....