Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin!

She's got my vote. I find it laughable that the Smokecrack Blomama campaign is denigrating her "experience". She's got more experience than Eatcrack Osama , and I'd rather she were the headliner on the ticket. I can't wait for the VP debates. Biden is a half-wit . At least he's "clean and articulate". BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That idiot couldn't tie his own shoes without a half-dozen committee meetings and four pollsters. Kissing muslim ass is all he's good for. The moron refers to "Palestinians". There are no "Palestinians". Palestine , like Dixie , is a romantic notion , not a country. Before the '67 war the west bank of the Jordan River was Egyptian. Prior to that it was-big surprise-part of Jordan. What claim do these made-up "Palestinians" have? They're trouble-making muslim garbage. The only land those animals should have is the six feet of dirt over their graves.
I get the impression that Gov. Palin will be totin' a shovel if necessary.

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