Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama for President!

Maybe the best way to keep that idiot out of the White House is for the rest of us to support him. We should tell people they have too much money and should give more to the government. Tell your friends and neighbors they should "think right" , and the Gummint should make them think "right". Tell everyone it's ok for the illiterate , criminally intent , and deadbeats to demand more of your income. The way to fix the gas prices is to over-tax oil companies while denying them access to huge reserves WE own. That way we won't have $4.00 per gallon gas-we can have $10.00 per gallon gas. Obama says he has no problem with gas prices this high. Tax , tax , tax. Because everybody knows it's people on welfare that provide jobs. Evil corporations never pass along higher taxes to the consumer.We should be forced to believe Algore. After all , his group of "experts" (2500 of 'em) had all of THREE climatologists! Landscape engineers and plastic surgeons were much better represented. Algore's electric car idea is great! Other than the technology not existing and his insane opposition to nuclear power. If California had only electric cars , coal-fired power plants would be pounding 24 hours a day at full capacity and there would be rolling blackouts throughout Oregon , Washington , Nevada , Arizona , New Mexico , Idaho , Montana , and Utah-PERMANENTLY.We should ignore the fact that the whole global warming computer model went out the window last year when the global average mean temperature went from .6C + to .2C - over Algore's pre-determined 100 year "evidence". We shouldn't believe that 3/4 of a degree Farenheit over a century isn't even a statistical anomaly-it's well within the margin of error for a planet that has temperatures from 60 degrees F below 0 to 140 degrees F above .We should embrace mercury vapor light bulbs-even though you can't buy a household thermometer with mercury in it anymore because the stuff is DANGEROUS. Aren't the eco-weenies telling us to stop eating fish because of the mercury content? A swordfish has a hell of a lot less mercury than those damn lightbulbs.I think if we agree with these idiots , using the above arguments , the 'undecideds" will run screaming for the McCain button on election day.Failing that , try thishttp://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=70865and thishttp://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=70605Or read about the trigger finger of national suicide , herehttp://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=70605
Posted by The Finger at 6:05 PM

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We ARE better than you....

America is the best nation on Earth. Americans should believe that , and strive to prove it. I'm sick and tired of ungrateful assholes like the media and the nut-job left acting like we invented everything wrong with the world. Those fudge-packers wouldn't have a forum , or their paychecks , anywhere else in the world. Biting the hand that feeds you is arrogance and stupidity of the highest order. It isn't luck or fate that put America in the position of Superpower-it was our hard work , our belief in justice , and the fact that our system is the best in the world.In fact , most of the world would be a worse shithole than it is (think Europe and Asia) if America hadn't stepped in and beat the snot out of the fascists that tried to conquer the planet TWICE in the last century. We also sacrificed millions of Americans in 1860-1865 so Obama could run for Dictator. We defeated communism , tolerated socialism's dismal failures , and destroyed the military ambitions of numerous nations. Obama's plan to reduce us to the lowest common denominator is defeatism and cowardice. It also offers him a nice shot at 'Dictator'. McCain ain't great , but he ain't Obama.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A preview of Obama's Amerika....

" We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

The above quote is from an Obama speech. You should Google 'Beria' , 'NKVD' , 'Stasi' , 'KGB' , 'Gestapo' , and 'Raoul Castro'. If you don't believe it can happen here , Google 'J. Edgar Hoover'.
Obama says we "must sacrifice" for his vision of Amerika. Why? We have energy reserves (oil , natural gas , and coal) to last us centuries if necessary. Congressional pork and welfare cost multiples of the fight against radical islam. (In reality , if you read the Koran , the non-violent ones are the radicals , according to the text of the pedophile , child-rapist , and murderer mohamed.) Saudi schoolchildren are taught to hate "non-believers" , and we give them billions. The surest path to a better world is the elimination of wahabism and shiite insanity. Iran should be nuked back to the stone age , and Israel should be given a green light on Syria , the West Bank , Lebanon , and everything calling itself "Palestinian". Palestine , by the way , was a region , not a country. The Palestinian claim to their "homeland" , is bullshit. Israel existed long before any of the current piles-of-camel-shit-with-borders were ever conceived.
Anywho , Obama wants your money , and your complete obedience. Or his "civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, " will take it. It's McCain or Zieg Heil. Don't trust the Beast.

Evil , evil , socialists

Castro , Mao , Lenin , and Stalin were all going to "liberate" "the people". The Beasts lied and made stupid , worthless promises. The masses cheered-because , in every case , there was no viable education system available to the people. Now the NEA shows Algore's fakeumentary and encourages kids to go home and tell their parents what to do. Anytime a politician targets the "next generation" , he's pandering to the uneducated and terminally stupid. WAKE UP!

So you think Obama is good for America...

Here are a couple links to check out.




The last one is quite interesting. It would seem Obama wants a "national civilian security force" on par with the military. Looking for a way around posse comatatus , Senator? What would we name this force? KGB and Gestapo have already been tried. Perhaps public school victims of the NEA era won't be familiar with names like Stasi and NKVD. Who will be Obama's Beria?

Let's be honest , people. His associations , past and present , hate America and everything she stands for. They don't like the Constitution because it inconveniences their goals of economic policing and enforcing the criminalization of "bad thoughts".

These are the same liberal morons that would give welfare , food stamps and disability to people because they ate too much and got fat-then tax snack food because it makes people fat. All these barbarians want is power. They don't care about you , or anybody else. They believe the world would be wonderful if their little tin soldiers could physically force everyone to do as they wish-because they're so much smarter than you. Given enough leeway they'll take ALL your money on payday and give you an allowance-because , really , they know better than you. Then they'll tell you where to live and what doctor to see. All this while teaching your children to inform on you if you smoke or disbelieve the global hoaxing of Algore. Think it can't happen? Castro "liberated" Cuba , Mao "liberated" China , Lenin and Stalin "liberated" Russia-and in every case , the masses cheered because the Beasts made empty speeches and worthless promises.

Obama (and Algore) say we have to sacrifice.Why? The Iraq situation isn't costing as much as we spend on welfare or pork-barrel legislation. The U.S. possesses enough energy reserves , oil , natural gas and coal , to be self-sustaining for centuries.

I understand the frustration of some people over the image of the rich having influence beyond a single vote. That , however , is what the forces of evil count on-and why they want ALL the money. Money does buy some influence-so it certainly shouldn't be in the hands of the people that actually earn it , right? We'll just squander it on stuff that makes our families a little more comfortable. Wouldn't it be better spent on genetic deficients in central Africa who have had several thousand years to evolve and STILL PISS OUT THE FRONT DOOR?

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Heard a black guy on the radio Thursday , complaining that the Gummint owes him rep'rations (sic) for slavery. Ok , let's look at this with an open mind.
The gentleman in question has never been a slave or known an American slave . Why does the American taxpayer owe him money? Let's examine a brief history of slavery.
The institution of slavery in North America was introduced by the British . Remember , what is now America was a group of British colonies until 1776. (England , in fact , argued the point until 1812) Who brought these slaves here? Why , mostly British , Spanish , and Portuguese traders. Did they buy these slaves from Americans? No. They bought them from other Africans. Africa would be the continent that was engaged in slave trading long after we stopped.
So , slavery , which existed on Earth for all of recorded history , and continues to this day in some places , was allowed to exist for 89 of America's 232 years. It's been 143 years since slavery was outlawed in America , so , Jesse Jackson , I don't owe you shit. Get a job like the rest of us , you worthless bum. In fact , I want reparations from the Gummint. They emancipated my great-great-great-granddaddy's property and cost me my cotton inheritance. It's not fair!

Friday, July 18, 2008

It's not fair!

We knew the hurricane was coming , but the gummint didn't stop it! I dropped out of school to wash dishes and the CEO of Exxon/Mobil makes more money than I do! I got pregnant at 15 and can't pay my bills! I robbed a liquor store for crack money and "they" put me in jail! I burglarized your nation and the citizens don't want to give my illegal ass free health care and education and food and housing!
Those who complain about things not being fair are usually pissed because it is. It also amazes me that liberals who will embrace evolution seem to have no idea how it works. It also amazes me when the liberal base thinks the politicians care about them. All they care about is increasing their power , not yours. A perfect example is the invented word "empower". Power , due to it's nature , can't be given. Power is achieved or taken. Those who claim to "give" power are giving permission-while retaining the power for themselves.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

By the way , liberals are whores. They won't sacrifice what THEY want , but they'll sacrifice YOUR lifestyle to achieve THEIR goals. Liberals always want to "negotiate". Sometimes the answer needs to be 'NO'. Screw negotiation.

Liberals are retarded

Socialist morons , like Obama , are the antithesis of America. The symbolic lifting of the executive ban on offshore drilling lowered the per-barrel price of oil within hours. Anything that reeks of Pelosi or Reid should be disposed of in the same manner recommended for a used condom.
"Man-Made "climate-change DOESN'T EXIST. There was more CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere during the Jurassic Period than there is now. The liberal plan is to make YOU POWERLESS. If you don't have money , you don't have influence-so let's TAKE ALL YOUR MONEY. That way the 'Gummint' can be your mommy and daddy. Since your parents failed , you're entitled to my hard-earned paycheck.