Saturday, July 19, 2008


Heard a black guy on the radio Thursday , complaining that the Gummint owes him rep'rations (sic) for slavery. Ok , let's look at this with an open mind.
The gentleman in question has never been a slave or known an American slave . Why does the American taxpayer owe him money? Let's examine a brief history of slavery.
The institution of slavery in North America was introduced by the British . Remember , what is now America was a group of British colonies until 1776. (England , in fact , argued the point until 1812) Who brought these slaves here? Why , mostly British , Spanish , and Portuguese traders. Did they buy these slaves from Americans? No. They bought them from other Africans. Africa would be the continent that was engaged in slave trading long after we stopped.
So , slavery , which existed on Earth for all of recorded history , and continues to this day in some places , was allowed to exist for 89 of America's 232 years. It's been 143 years since slavery was outlawed in America , so , Jesse Jackson , I don't owe you shit. Get a job like the rest of us , you worthless bum. In fact , I want reparations from the Gummint. They emancipated my great-great-great-granddaddy's property and cost me my cotton inheritance. It's not fair!

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