Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So you think Obama is good for America...

Here are a couple links to check out.




The last one is quite interesting. It would seem Obama wants a "national civilian security force" on par with the military. Looking for a way around posse comatatus , Senator? What would we name this force? KGB and Gestapo have already been tried. Perhaps public school victims of the NEA era won't be familiar with names like Stasi and NKVD. Who will be Obama's Beria?

Let's be honest , people. His associations , past and present , hate America and everything she stands for. They don't like the Constitution because it inconveniences their goals of economic policing and enforcing the criminalization of "bad thoughts".

These are the same liberal morons that would give welfare , food stamps and disability to people because they ate too much and got fat-then tax snack food because it makes people fat. All these barbarians want is power. They don't care about you , or anybody else. They believe the world would be wonderful if their little tin soldiers could physically force everyone to do as they wish-because they're so much smarter than you. Given enough leeway they'll take ALL your money on payday and give you an allowance-because , really , they know better than you. Then they'll tell you where to live and what doctor to see. All this while teaching your children to inform on you if you smoke or disbelieve the global hoaxing of Algore. Think it can't happen? Castro "liberated" Cuba , Mao "liberated" China , Lenin and Stalin "liberated" Russia-and in every case , the masses cheered because the Beasts made empty speeches and worthless promises.

Obama (and Algore) say we have to sacrifice.Why? The Iraq situation isn't costing as much as we spend on welfare or pork-barrel legislation. The U.S. possesses enough energy reserves , oil , natural gas and coal , to be self-sustaining for centuries.

I understand the frustration of some people over the image of the rich having influence beyond a single vote. That , however , is what the forces of evil count on-and why they want ALL the money. Money does buy some influence-so it certainly shouldn't be in the hands of the people that actually earn it , right? We'll just squander it on stuff that makes our families a little more comfortable. Wouldn't it be better spent on genetic deficients in central Africa who have had several thousand years to evolve and STILL PISS OUT THE FRONT DOOR?

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